Your Business in South Orange
With exciting new shops opening up next to iconic storefronts that have been around for generations, South Orange Downtown (SODT) is proving that small businesses can not only survive - but thrive - in today's economy. Between our bustling train station and our admirable location at the intersection of two major county thoroughfares, thousands upon thousands of people pass through downtown South Orange every day. We're ready to help you explore your options and guide you through the process as you consider locating your business here.
Finding the Perfect Space
Available commercial/retail spaces in the downtown district are listed here. If you haven't found what you've been looking for send us an email and we'll do what we can to help in your search!
If you identify a space that interests you, SODT can help you determine if the location will βworkβ for your particular business. You can cross reference the zoning map with the permitted uses code to see if that business is permitted.
($100 application fee and requires a copy of the proposed lease or letter of intent with the property ownerβs signature.)
The Use Permit Application will be reviewed by the Zoning Officer and will confirm if your type of business is permitted in your desired space. Zoning has 10 business days to review and respond to your use permit application.
Helpful Tip: It is recommended that you DO NOT sign the lease until your Use Permit is approved.
Parking Requirement: See the parking requirements for each use set forth in Section 185-174 of the Village Code here. If the desired space is under 2,500 sq. ft., the minimum off-street parking requirements may be waived if the property address is located in existing buildings in the Central Business District, Central Business District-1, and Central Business District-2 as long as the Applicant meets all of the requirements. View the Central Business District Parking Requirement Waiver Application.
If your business is not a permitted use, but you want to pursue the space, you will have to apply for a Use Variance to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. If your application is denied for non-compliant parking, or other bulk standards or because the intensification requires site plan approval, you will require approval from the Planning Board.
Helpful tools: You can use the Interactive Zoning Map and District Use Regulations (permitted uses based on district zones) to help you determine if your intended use is permitted at a specific location.
Food Establishments & Businesses selling any prepackaged food items
(Fees Vary)
Once your Use Permit is approved you should apply for a Food Retail License with the Health Department and continue to step 2.
(Fees vary- calculated based on completed counter form)
Once your Use Permit is approved, your licensed contractor should fill out a Construction Permit Application Jacket and Counter Form. Building permits are required for most interior and exterior construction or renovations involving plumbing, electrical, construction and fire suppression systems. A permit is not required for cosmetic improvements such as painting, flooring, tiling, finishes, etc.β¦ Skip to Step 3 if you are only making cosmetic improvements.
You must submit two (2) sets of signed and sealed architect drawings (hardcopy) and one (1) digital copy with your application. If a Health Department review is required (Food Establishments & Daycare Centers), you must submit three (3) sets of hardcopy drawings and one digital copy when plans are being submitted.
If your contractor is not licensed in New Jersey, they will need to apply for a Town Contractor License (Fee: $100, $75 for renewals).
If you plan to use a dumpster, you must apply for a dumpster permit. If the dumpster will be located on a county road (South Orange Ave, Valley Street, Scotland Road or Irvington Ave.) you must apply directly with Essex County. Permits are required if the dumpster will be located on your property. (Fee: varies)
You are not permitted to start any work until you receive your approved permits. You must pass all of your pulled permit inspections (electrical, plumbing, etc.β¦) prior to scheduling your final inspections.
Helpful Tip: You can reach out to the Building Official to help guide you through the process (contact info listed below).
($125 review fee)
If you plan to install a new sign/awning or change an existing one, you must submit three (3) colored hard copies of the design with dimensions and ordinance compliance details to the Zoning Office. Once approved by Zoning, the design will be submitted to the Buildings Department for issuance of a permit. If you are recovering an existing awning/frame, only Zoning approval is needed.
Helpful Tip: South Orange has an advisory committee, the Design Review Board (DRB) who provides FREE design assistance to businesses to help ensure their sign is in compliance with the municipal code and they can make recommendations to the sign design. Their goal is to make sure your façade is aesthetically appealing and you have the most impactful sign design for your business.
To streamline the process, we recommend you submit your proposed sign design to the Design Review Board (DRB) prior to submitting it to Zoning.
To submit your sign/awning to DRB for review, please email your sign/ awning design along with dimensions to melissa@southorangedowntown.org.
You can always apply for a free Temporary Banner Permit while you work on your permanent sign. Temporary banners cannot exceed 25 sq. ft. and can be hung for a maximum of 30 days.
Helpful Tool: Make sure your sign company reviews Article 185-XXIII Signs, Awnings, Canopies, Marquees, Security Gates And Facades of the Municipal Code to make sure your proposed sign is in compliance.
Fire Prevention Bureau - Complete the Non-Life Hazard Use or Life Hazard Use form. Fire is the first inspection needed. Contact the Fire Official, Tony Grenci at agrenci@southorange.org or Fire Inspector, Kenneth Schmertz at codeinspectorfire@southorange.org.
Apply for a CO with Building or apply for a CCO or COH with Code Enforcement.
(a) Apply for a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) if the building is new or if the business use has changed (e.g. hair salon to restaurant). Contact the Building Official, Tony Grenci at agrenci@southorange.org to schedule your appointment and to ask specific questions.
(b) Code Enforcement- Apply for a CCO or COH.
Apply for a Certificate of Continued Occupancy (CCO) if this is a change in property ownership and if the business use remains the same.
Apply for a Certificate of Habitability (COH) if you are the business owner, no construction was required and the business use is the same. Must be completed by the lessee.
Health Department- Food establishments, Daycare Centers, Tattoo Parlors and any business selling pre-packed food products must be inspected by the local Health Department. Contact the South Orange Health Officer at HealthOfficer@southorange.org to schedule your appointment. (Fee: see fee schedule on application)
Do not start business operations prior to final signed approvals. Once you have your final approvals, you can open for business.
Itβs time to officially welcome you to the SODT community! Reach out to Melissa Hodge, Executive Director, at melissa@southorangedowntown.org or 973-973-6899 to schedule your ribbon cutting ceremony.
One-on-one Assistance
SODT is here to support you along the way. For assistance, please contact Melissa Hodge, Executive Director, at melissa@southorangedowntown.org or 973-763-6899.
Al Fresco Application (outdoor dining)- If your business w
Apply for Business Parking Permit- Employees who work in the downtown business district should park in designated municipal lots and garages. They must have a business/ employee parking permit.
Township Contacts
Buildings Official | Anthony Grenchi | 973-378-7715 ext. 7700 | agrenci@southorange.org
Code Enforcement | 973-378-7715 ext. 7704 | codeenforcement@southorange.org
Fire Inspector | Ken Schmertz | 973-378-7715 ext. 7709 | codeinspectorfire@southorange.org
Fire Prevention Bureau | Anthony Grenci | 973-378-7715 ext. 7709 | agrenci@southorange.org
Health Officer | Candice Davenport | 973) 378-7715 ext. 7700 | healthofficer@southorange.org
Parking Authority | Neva Rodriguez | 973-378-7715 ext. 2037 | nrodriguez@southorange.org
Zoning Assistant | Diane Travers | 973-378-7715 x3990 | dtravers@southorange.org
Zoning Official | Greer Patras or Justin Cutroneo | 973) 378-7715 x3990 | zoningofficial@southorange.org