RFP: Supplemental Sanitation Services


South Orange Downtown is seeking proposals from skilled and qualified independent contractors to deliver supplemental cleaning services within our downtown district. Our goal is to maintain a clean, appealing, and inviting atmosphere for residents, businesses, and visitors. This RFP outlines the scope of work, service expectations, and submission guidelines for interested contractors. We are looking for a partner capable of delivering exceptional cleaning services to elevate the overall appearance and cleanliness of our vibrant downtown area.


South Orange Downtown is a 501(c)3 non-profit Special Improvement District dedicated to making the downtown business district a vibrant place to live, work, and enjoy through events, beautification and advocacy for the downtown businesses. The organization's mission is to strengthen the vitality of the district by supporting existing businesses and attracting new ones to improve the Village's retail mix; raising funds for improvement and public art projects; producing events that complement existing stores and services; maintaining a clean, safe, and pedestrian-friendly downtown; and helping the governing body manage new development while preserving the attractive architectural legacy of the downtown area. 


The selected contractor will be responsible for the following services (but not limited to):

  1. Daily Cleaning and Sweeping:

    • Sweep and remove litter, leaves and debris from sidewalks, pathways, Spiotta Park and curbs.

    • Clear trash from tree pits and planters (including cigarette butts and other debris).

    • Remove trash from overflowing cans in coordination with Public Works.

    • Daily spraying and wiping of trash receptacles.

  2. Graffiti, Poster and Sticker Removal:

    • Removal of graffiti, posters, and stickers on surfaces throughout the district.

  3. Spring & Fall Steam Cleaning / Power Washing of Sidewalks:

    • Spring & Fall pressure washing of high-traffic areas to remove stains, gum and other residues.

  4. Downtown Ambassador

    • Maintain a visible presence throughout the downtown area.

    • Serve as the eyes and ears of the district, reporting any safety concerns or street conditions that need attention from other municipal departments.

  5. Special Event Support:

    • Providing additional cleaning services before, during and after special events.

The contractor will provide cleaning staff with uniforms featuring the South Orange Downtown logo, along with all necessary supplies to complete the scope of services. This includes brooms, dustpans, power washer, battery-operated blower, brushes, scrapers, buckets, and any other required materials.


The service period will be from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, with the option to extend.


Interested firms must submit proposals that include the following information:

  1. Company Profile:

    • Overview of the company, qualifications and experience in providing similar services.

  2. Detailed Work Plan:

    • Description of how the contractor will perform the services outlined in the Scope of Services.

    • Staffing plan, including the number of personnel and their roles.

    • Equipment and supplies to be used.

  3. Schedule:

    • Proposed schedule for completing the services, including frequency of each service. The proposal must ensure seven-day-a-week coverage and include extended summer hours.

  4. Cost Proposal:

    • Itemized cost breakdown for the services, including hourly rates, specialized project costs and additional charges.

  5. References: 

    • At least three references from clients for whom similar services have been provided.


Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Experience and Qualifications:

    • Proven track record in providing similar services.

    • Qualifications of personnel assigned to the project.

  2. Work Plan:

    • Comprehensiveness and feasibility of the proposed work plan.

    • Adequacy of staffing and equipment.

  3. Cost:

    • Reasonableness and competitiveness of the cost proposal.

  4. References:

    • Positive feedback from references.

South Orange Downtown will award the contract to the proposer with the most advantageous proposal. We may select a proposer other than the lowest cost offer and reserve the right to postpone, cancel the RFP, or reject any or all proposals.


Proposals must be submitted by Friday, September 27, 2024, via email to Melissa Hodge at melissa@southorangedowntown.org. Please include "Proposal for Supplemental Cleaning Services - South Orange Downtown" in the subject line. Proposers may direct questions about the RFP to the email address listed above. All questions and answers will be shared with staff and the selection committee.


  • RFP Issuance Date: July 25, 2024

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: September 27, 2024

  • Evaluation Period: September 30, 2024 - October 14, 2024

  • Contract Award Date: October 21, 2024

  • Service Commencement Date: January 1, 2025


If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Melissa Hodge, Executive Director, at melissa@southorangedowntown.org or by phone at 973-763-6899.


The service area for this RFP encompasses the South Orange Downtown district, defined by the following boundaries:

  • South Orange Avenue from Church Street to Prospect Street

  • Sloan Street

  • Village Plaza

  • Scotland Road / Valley Street from Taylor Place to Massel Terrace

  • Vose Avenue from South Orange Avenue to Comstock Place

  • Academy Street from Irvington Avenue to First Street

  • First Street from Valley Street to Academy Street


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RFQ: Friendship Circle Project